Data\Selectable Type

BehaviorComponent.Behavior Type

Controls the AI behavior type of the unit. Most of the time this should be set to Generic Controllable Unit. It's generally recommended to not use Td Types unless you know what you're doing and are creating a similar tower defense game.

Do Nothing

The unit will have no AI behavior. This causes the unit to be unable to move, attack, or otherwise accept commands.

Generic Controllable Unit

The unit will use the basic AI behavior and accept commands. Generic controllable units with weapons will attempt to attack valid targets in range.

Leash Radius

Units will only chase auto-acquired targets within this radius. If the unit leaves this radius, it will be ordered to return to its original position (ie the origin of the leash radius). The unit will not be able to auto-acquire a new target until it reaches the leash reset radius. The position of the leash region only updates when a unit becomes idle.

Leash Reset Radius

Leashed units (ones that have abandoned their auto-acquired targets and are moving towards their original position) are allowed to acquire new targets within this radius. The leash reset region uses the same origin as the leash region (and updates with it). The purpose of using two regions is to prevent attackers from being able to kite defenders by jumping in and out of the leash radius; The leash reset radius should be significantly smaller than the leash radius to provide the defender a decent area to retreat to.

Force Rescan


If set, the unit will be forced to reconsider its current weapon target each period. Otherwise weapons tend to stick to the current target until it becomes invalid or dies.


The unit will wander aimlessly. Useful for villagers or critters.

Change Location Period

Wander Radius

Td Types [Wild Sky]

//////////////////////////////////////// TD types

Behavior Type

EnumType: BehaviorComponent.BehaviorType

The unit will wait for this duration before wandering to a new location.

Unit Battle Data

MessageType: UnitBattleData

The unit will wander within this radius.

Unit.MiniMapConfig.Mini Map Ui Type

Determines whether the unit renders as a circle or sprite on the minimap.



The radius to use for the unit's minimap icon.



The sprite name to use for the unit's minimap icon.


The size to use for the unit's minimap icon.

EffectOffset.Offset Type

Explicit Offset

MessageType: ExplicitOffset

Offset base on forward/right/up coordinate.

Polar Offset

MessageType: PolarOffset

Offset base on polar coordinate.

AreaSearchType.Area Search Type



Sets the radius of the circle to search.

Radius Expressions

Any expressions here will be evaluated and added to the radius each time the search is executed.

Circle Sector

Outer Radius

Sets the outer radius of the circle sector to search.

Outer Radius Expressions

Any expressions here will be evaluated and added to the outer radius each time the search is executed.

Inner Radius

Sets the inner radius of the circle sector to search.

Inner Radius Expressions

Any expressions here will be evaluated and added to the inner radius each time the search is executed.


Sets the angle of the circle sector to search. Used to make a search occur in an arc.

Angle Expressions

Any expressions here will be evaluated and added to the angle each time the search is executed.


Rectangle Origin

Sets the origin point of the rectangle.

  • CENTER: The rectangle search will be centered on the target position.
  • EXTEND: The search will be offset so its starting edge will originate at the target position. Using this setting, the search will extend from its target position rather than be centered on it.


Sets the width of the rectangle to search.

Width Expressions

Any expressions here will be evaluated and added to the width each time the search is executed.


Sets the length of the rectangle to search.

Length Expressions

Any expressions here will be evaluated and added to the length each time the search is executed.


The search will find the source unit's children.

EffectSetWaypoints.Waypoints.Waypoints Type

Waypoints Name

From Unit

Nearest Waypoint

Allowed Routes

Which routes will be searched, when set to NONE, all routes will be searched.

EffectEnumerateUnitList.Location Mode

Use Search Location

Run the search using the Search Effect location.

Use Target Location

Run successive searches at the previous target's location.

This is useful for creating chain lightning effects.

Step Delay

Creates a delay between each search.

EffectModifyUnit.ModifyAbilityCooldown.Ability Name Type

Determines if the ability is selected by name, tag, or family.

Ability Name

The name of the ability to modify cooldown for.

Ability Family

The ability family to modify cooldowns for.

Note that all abilities with this family on the target will have their cooldown reduced.

Ability Tag

The ability tags to modify cooldowns for.

Note that all abilities with this tag on the target will have their cooldown reduced.

EffectModifyUnit.ModifyAbilityChargeCount.Ability Name Type

Determines if the ability is selected by name, tag, or family.

Ability Name

The name of the ability to modify charge count for.

Ability Family

The ability family to modify charge count for.

Ability Tag

The ability tags to modify charge count for.

EffectModifyUnit.Modify Unit Type

Which unit property to modify.

Modify Mana

Modifies a unit's mana.

Modify Type

EnumType: EffectModifyUnit.ModifyType

Determine the modify type

Value Type

EnumType: ValueType

Whether to modify mana as percentage or explicit value.


The amount of mana to modify.


Modify Shield

Modifies a unit's shields.

Modify Type

EnumType: EffectModifyUnit.ModifyType

Determine the modify type

Value Type

EnumType: ValueType

Whether to modify shields as percentage or explicit value.


The amount of shields to modify.


Modify Ability Cooldown

Modifies an ability's current cooldown.

Ability Name Type

SelectableType: EffectModifyUnit.ModifyAbilityCooldown.Ability Name Type

Determines if the ability is selected by name, tag, or family.

Modify Type

EnumType: EffectModifyUnit.ModifyType

Determine the modify type

Value Type

EnumType: ValueType

Whether to modify cooldown by a percentage or explicit value (in seconds).


The duration to modify cooldown by.

Modify Ability Charge Count

Modifies an ability's charge count.

Ability Name Type

SelectableType: EffectModifyUnit.ModifyAbilityChargeCount.Ability Name Type

Determines if the ability is selected by name, tag, or family.

Modify Type

EnumType: EffectModifyUnit.ModifyType

Determine the modify type


The amount to modify charge count by.


When checked, clamp charge count between 0 and max charge count.

EffectIssueAbility.Ability Reference

Determines whether ability is referenced by name or tag.

Ability Name

Select the ability to be cast by name.

Ability Tag

Select the first ability with the matching tag on the unit to cast.

EffectForce.Force Type


A force pointing towards the same direction.

Direction Offset

Offset in degrees added (clockwise) to the effect facing to determine the force's direction.


A force pointing towards the effect center.

Direction Offset

Offset in degrees added (clockwise) to the force's direction.

EffectAttachUnit.AttachOffset.Offset Type

Explicit Offset

MessageType: ExplicitOffset

Offset is based on forward/right/up directions.

Polar Offset

MessageType: PolarOffset

Offset is based on angle and distance.

Use Offset When Effect Impact

Offset is based on the angle and distance between parent and child unit.


Unit Orientation

Offset Orientation

Offset Start

Used in combination with Offset End to determine the facing of this effect. If start & end is at the same point, facing of the source unit is used as a fallback and if source is not an unit, facing of the caster unit is used.

Offset End

Used in combination with Offset Start to determine the facing of this effect. If start & end is at the same point, facing of the source unit is used as a fallback and if source is not an unit, facing of the caster unit is used.

EffectLocation.Offset Type


Offset Absolute

MessageType: Double3

Position offset in world coordinate

Orientation For Offset Relative

MessageType: EffectOrientation

Orientation for relative position offset

Offset Relative

MessageType: Double3

Relative position offset


MessageType: PolarOffset

EffectSimpleSpawn.Owner Player

Unit Owner

Player Id


Target Unit

The mover will move towards a target unit

Which Unit

Move towards which unit

Initial Speed

Acceleration Magnitude

Delay Seconds

When the mover become active after the effect applied

Duration Seconds

When the mover become inactive after the effect applied

Target Direction

The mover will move in one direction, determined by the angle between the source and target at launch

Initial Speed

Acceleration Magnitude

Delay Seconds

When the mover become active after the effect applied

Duration Seconds

When the mover become inactive after the effect applied

Uniform Acceleration

The mover will move with a constant acceleration

Initial Velocity

MessageType: Double3


MessageType: Double3

Delay Seconds

Duration Seconds


Start Radius

End Radius

Start Angle In Degree

Angular Speed In Degree

Delay Seconds

Duration Seconds

Target Location

The mover will move towards a target location

Target Location

MessageType: Double3

Move towards target location

Initial Speed

Acceleration Magnitude

Delay Seconds

When the mover become active after the effect applied

Duration Seconds

When the mover become inactive after the effect applied

OrbitingMover.Orbit Speed Type

Determines whether the orbit speed is controlled by a flat speed or degrees per second.


When set, the missile unit's orbit speed, in terrain grid-units-per-second.

Degree Per Second

When set, the missile unit's orbit speed, in degrees-per-second.

MultiStageMover.MoverStage.Motion Type


MessageType: GuidanceMover

Moves the missile unit linearly towards the target with tracking (like a guided missile).


MessageType: BallisticMover

Moves the missile unit in a parabolic arc (like a thrown grenade).


MessageType: ThrowMover

Moves the missile unit in a fixed direction. Unlike other movers, this mover doesn't move towards the target and will move indefinitely unless some other means of hit detection are used (such as the arrive_on_search_hit flag), or replaced by another mover (either by another launch missile effect, or when used in a multi-stage mover).

MultiStageMover.MotionOverlay.Overlay Type

Sine Wave

Moves in a sine wave pattern.

Wave Length

MessageType: ValueWithRangeAndExpression

The distance between consecutive wave patterns.


Moves with a circular motion centered around the mover's position without this overlay applied.

Degree Per Second

MessageType: ValueWithRangeAndExpression

Circular speed in degrees per second.