Ui XML Reference\VStack

Stacks children frames vertically. This frame type has a default size of 0 and expands to fit any children.

Note that Flex Layouts automatically arrange their children similar to an HStack. You can then change the flexDirection attribute to column to stack it vertically.

Example Usage

<!-- Legacy version -->
<VStack layout="legacy" spacing="10" padding="10" frameImage="frame01_blue">
    <Frame height="80" width="80" frameImage="cart" />
    <Frame height="90" width="90" frameImage="cart" />
    <Frame height="100" width="100" frameImage="cart" />
    <Frame height="110" width="110" frameImage="cart" />

<!-- Flex version -->
<Frame layout="flex" padding="10" frameImage="frame01_blue" flexDirection="column">
    <Frame height="80" width="80" frameImage="cart" marginBottom="10" />
    <Frame height="90" width="90" frameImage="cart" marginBottom="10" />
    <Frame height="100" width="100" frameImage="cart" marginBottom="10" />
    <Frame height="110" width="110" frameImage="cart" />

This XML produces the following UI:


Value type: boolean

Supports data binding


The reverse status of the VStack frame, where true reverses the order in which child frames are added (the last created frame will be the first frame displayed) and false displays child frames normally.

Only works in legacy layout. For the flex layout equivalent, see FlexDirection.

Example Usage

<VStack layout="legacy" spacing="10" padding="10" frameImage="frame01_blue" reverse="true">
    <Frame height="80" width="80" frameImage="cart" />
    <Frame height="90" width="90" frameImage="cart" />
    <Frame height="100" width="100" frameImage="cart" />
    <Frame height="110" width="110" frameImage="cart" />