Data\Mover\Multi Stage

A mover with multiple stages and motion overlays.


Motion Type

SelectableType: MultiStageMover.MoverStage.Motion Type

Exit Time

If set, the time in seconds after entering this stage to start to transition to the next stage. If neither exit_time nor exit_distance is set, the current stage will last indefinitely.

Exit Distance

If set, the travel distance after entering this stage to start to transition to the next stage. If neither exit_time nor exit_distance is set, the current stage will last indefinitely.

Transition Time

If set, the time in seconds to blend the current stage and the next stage while transitioning. If both transition_time and transition_distance are 0, the transition to the next stage will finish instantly.

Transition Distance

If set, the travel distance to blend the current stage and the next stage while transitioning. If both transition_time and transition_distance are 0, the transition to the next stage will finish instantly.

Motion Overlay Scales

The intensity of each motion overlay in this stage. It should have the same number of entries as the number of overlays. Missing entries are treated as 0.


Motion overlays apply a pattern of movement (like a wave or spiral) on top of a mover's base motion.

Overlay Type

SelectableType: MultiStageMover.MotionOverlay.Overlay Type

Scale Adjustment Speed

When the scale of the overlay needs to change to a new value (e.g., from the initial launch scale of 0 to the target scale in the first stage, or between stages with different scale values), how fast it adjusts. The speed is relative to the mover's moving speed. A speed of 1 means the scale changes by 1 when the mover travels by 1 terrain grid-unit distance.


MessageType: ValueWithRangeAndExpression

Overlays apply offsets to the mover position on the x-z plane (i.e., parallel to the terrain plane) by default. Set this rotation value to rotate the offset plane around the moving direction. E.g., sine-wave overlay moves the missile left then right; a rotation value of 180 will flip the offset plane and make the missile go right first.