Data\Effect\Launch Missile

Launches a missile unit at a target unit or location.

Target Type

Determines the target type for the effect.

Missile Unit

The type of Unit used as a missile. If set to None, the unit specified in launch location will be used (typically caster or target, useful to create knockback effects).

Missile Death Type

Determines what happens to the missile unit on impact.

  • IMPACT: The missile unit will be removed on impact.
  • NONE: The missile unit will persist after impact (useful for knockback effects).

Start Effect

The effect created when the missile is launched.

Impact Effect

The effect created when the missile impacts its target.

Launch Location

Where the missile will be launched from.

Impact Location

Where the missile will impact.

Offset Start

Offset start & end together determines the "facing" of this effect. This facing will be used to interpret offsets and also will be used as the initial facing of the created missile unit.
If offset start & end are both set to non-none values and the specified locations don't overlap, the effect will face from start to end.
If offset start & end are both specified but are overlapping, and the offset start is an unit (e.g., caster unit), the facing of that unit will be used.
If offset start & end are not specified, or specified but cannot determine the facing using the above rules, the facing will be determined by launch & impact location instead using the same rules as above.

Offset End

Used in combination with Offset Start to determine the facing of this effect. If both are set to a unit, the effect will use that unit's facing.

Launch Offset

MessageType: EffectOffset

The offset coordinates for the missile's launch location. Offsets are relative to the effect's facing.

Impact Offset

MessageType: EffectOffset

The offset coordinates for the missile's impact location. Offsets are relative to the effect's facing.

Use Missile Height At Destination

When checked, the missile unit's height will be considered when when calculating the impact location.

Missile Effect

The effect applied to the missile when it's created.


The mover that determines how the missile will travel.

Area Search Effect

Tie a Search effect to a missile unit, which will apply every update

Simple Area Search Effect

Tie a Simple Search Effect to a missile unit, which will apply every update

Arrive On Search Hit

This flag specifies if the Missile counts as "HitTarget" (reached it's destination) if the missile "Search Effect" finds a target.

Dynamic Search Area

If set, if the search effect is a rectangular search, the length will automatically extend to make sure there are no gaps in the search radiuses, based on the speed of the projectile.

Unique Targets Only

If set, this search effect will only impact a target once per source. E.g., enabling this would prevent a target from being hit multiple times from different instances of a search effect originating from a single missile.