Data\Effect\Area Search

Searches an area and applies effects to found targets.

Debug Draw

When checked, shows the area of this search effect in-game.

Useful for debugging effects.

Distance Check Mode

EnumType: DistanceCheckModes

Determines whether to consider unit radius or center point when finding targets.

Distance Extend Mode

EnumType: DistanceExtendModes

Determines whether to extend the search radius by the source unit's radius.

Area Search Type

MessageType: AreaSearchType

Determines whether to search in a circle, arc, rectangle, or the source unit's children units.

Max Unit Count

The maximum number of units that will be found by the search.


EnumType: EffectAreaSearch.IncludeFlags

Whether to automatically include or exclude the effect caster.


EnumType: EffectAreaSearch.IncludeFlags

Whether to automatically include or exclude the effect source.


EnumType: EffectAreaSearch.IncludeFlags

Whether to automatically include or exclude the effect target.


MessageType: SearchFilter

Parameters for which targets are valid for the search.


Targets must pass these validators to be considered valid targets.

See: Data/Validator.

Required Tag Names

If set, units must have these tags to be considered valid targets.

Excluded Tag Names

If set, units with these tags will be excluded from the search.


The effect created on targets found by the search.

Missing Effect

This effect is created if the number of targets found is less than the Max Unit Count (if set). This effect is created for each missing target. Ex: if the Max Unit Count is 3 but only 1 target is found, then the Effect will executed once on the target and the Missing Effect will be executed twice at the search location.

Repeated Target Cooldown

When set, targets found by this search effect will be excluded from other instances of this search effect within its effect tree for the duration. This is useful for making abilities with overlapping search effects where you only want to hit each target once.


Where the search is created.

Use Source Facing

If checked, the search's facing will be set to the source unit's facing (before facing adjustment is applied).

Facing Adjustment

The angle to offset the search's facing by.

Offset Start

Used in combination with Offset End to determine the facing of this effect. If both are set to a unit, the effect will use that unit's facing.

Offset End

Used in combination with Offset Start to determine the facing of this effect. If both are set to a unit, the effect will use that unit's facing.


MessageType: EffectOffset

The offset coordinates for this effect.